Megan Leonardo

Megan Leonardo is a 28 year old singer/songwriter. A Montauk, NY native and veteran of the Montauk Music Festival

Megan Leonardo is a 28 year old singer/songwriter. A Montauk, NY native and veteran of the Montauk Music Festival, Megan has gone on a national tour showcasing the sounds of her latest EP “Like Me.” (available on Spotify, Apple Music, and iTunes). Some of her musical experiences include: constantly playing in the “Live Music Capital” Austin, TX, an unofficial showcase at SXSW, a national tour for her EP, Montauk Music Festival ’14 ’15 & ’16, ’17, ’18 and winning a jingle contest for KissFM/United Auto Insurance in Chicago. Listen to her new EP “Like Me” on Spotify, Apple Music, or iTunes!!!

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